The Utillian 722 Wax and Herb Vaporizer is the latest version of the 720-style portable vaporizers, recognized in the vaporizing world as a tremendous value as a low-cost, convection device. The 722 has all the great features the community has grown to love, further refined to include a boost setting of 225 degrees C for a great concentrate experience. The 722 has single button operation, 4 temperature preset points, a one minute heat time, improved airflow and a new sleek look. Available at Rocky Shore in black only.
The Utillian 722 in a nutshell:
- In the Box:
- The Utillian 722 Wax and Herb Vaporizer.
- Cleaning brush.
- Tweezers.
- USB charging cable.
- Wax canister.
- Wax tool.
- Features:
- 2300 mAh Battery.
- 60 minute battery life.
- 4 temperature settings (180, 190, 200, 210) and 225 degree C Wax Boost.
- Wax and Herb compatible
- 1 year hassle-free warranty with RSCC
Buy Utillian 722 Wax and Herb Vaporizer
Rocky Shore Cannabis specializes in cannabis accessories like vaporizers. When you have the right tools, you can enjoy your weed better. The Utillian 722 is one of the best vaporizers for dry herbs and cannabis extracts. It comes with advanced features that make it easy to consume herbs or weed extracts. It comes with 4 pre-set temperature setting, heats up fast, is lightweight and easy to store and use. It is designed to provide the best vape experience you are looking for like any other serious cannabis user. It is available at the most amazing price and is totally worth your money. It combines both aesthetics and efficiency in one.
In just a few easy steps you can buy your new Utillian 722 vaporizer from Rocky Shore Cannabis. Get the Utillian 722 now and it will be delivered to your doorstep in virtually no time. We strive to bring you the best cannabis tools and accessories from the top brands online from the comfort of your home.
Enjoy free shipping on all Canadian orders over $100. Order now and experience the best vaping ever with Utillian 722.