Portable Vaporizers
Portable vaporizers are on-the-go devices that allow you to take the show on the road. Like all cannabis vaporizers, there is no combustion, unlike a pipe or joint; the device will use either conductive or convective heat (or both in the case of some hybrids like the Arizer Air II) to gently entice the active ingredients of your best products to be released into delicious vapour, without generating smoke and all the associated nasty toxins. Portable vaporizers can be used for waxes, concentrates and of course, dried, ground cannabis. Medical marijuana patients can administer their medicine anytime, anywhere with an easy to load device that is easy to transport and store. Recreational users can take cannabis out on the town, or along for the hike. The battery life of portable herb vapes has increased significantly over the years with the ongoing development of Lithium Ion batteries, and some, like the Air II and Argo by Arizer have pretty impressive battery life. Hit the trail, walk the Rocky Shore, or lounge by the pool in the back yard with your awesome vaporizing arsenal from Rocky Shore Cannabis!
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
Portable Vaporizers
These stealthy little guys have come along way from the early years of vaping. Portables now offer all the major features of a desktop vaporizer without exceeding the price range of the average vaper. While they aren’t powerful enough to inflate a bag and provide less vapor overall than a desktop unit, they can produce very good vapor and feature precise temperature controls. Our most popular portable vape models, such as the Arizer Air 2, Utillian 722 or the V5 Nano will deliver the purest vapor. We at Rocky Shore only carry the best portable vaporizers and have tried and tested each one we stock. Read our full reviews for more information and opinions on our vaporizers.